Beginner Reviews

Best Shooting Gloves that work

Shooting Gloves really come in handy when you might need extra protection when handling certain firearms or happen to be in bad weather. Reloading and general weapon handling can sometimes be a hindrance when operating a firearm whether it be a “long gun” or a handgun. Additional protection could be a good idea when firing under these circumstances.

I have had experience with the gloves on this list and preferred them to some other gloves based on my own usage. I like each because many of them have different purposes and don’t generally dominate over one or another. Try a buying a pair or two to see what I mean. A couple are good for the overall shooting. Some are great for protection and coverage. No one pair really beats out another pair.

Here is the List of Shooting Gloves

Mechanix Gloves

  • Durability 90% 90%
  • Flexibility 75% 75%
  • Sensitivity 60% 60%
  • Warmth 80% 80%
  • Price 85% 85%


I’ve worn Mechanix Gloves for a long time now. They are durable, dependable, and have multiple uses. Plus, they come in many different forms and colors for specific reasons. They are the definition of “All Purpose Gloves”.

These gloves were designed primarily for mechanical usage but they can be used for many different purposes. There is a reason why these gloves are used by Law enforcement, Military operators, and gun enthusiasts alike. I’ve used them for moving, lifting weights, cleaning, etc.


With these gloves being as multi-purpose as they are, it would only be natural then that these gloves would be a good fit for shooting with. As have said before, I have done many things with these gloves. These gloves have lasted a very long time with plenty of use over a 3-4 year lifespan. Using them for just shooting should probably last you much longer if that is all you use them for.


Because of the durability of these shooting gloves, the flexibility can take a bit of a hit. I have had no issue doing plenty of standard things with these gloves on. Reloading bigger guns is no problem. Handguns especially compact to full size semi-automatics usually have no problems. Sub-compacts might have an issue with the size. Plus, the size of your hands will have a factor into whether you might have a problem or two with certain guns.


The nitty-gritty details is where these gloves will let you down the most. These are full fingered gloves. The fabric does not let up at the fingertips to allow for precise accuracy in grabbing items. Loading rounds in smaller magazines can be difficult. Takes some getting used to.


Due to the durability, the fabric is decently thick. This also means the gloves are pretty warm. As long as the stitching holds together, you should be decently warm with these gloves down to about sub-freezing temperatures.


Mechanix Gloves have always been at a low price point. This is one of the reasons why they are widely known. The Covert Tactical Gloves here are at a mid-range price point. You get plenty of value at this price point for these gloves. They should last for years with plenty of different uses.



PIG FDT Alpha Gloves

  • Durability 80% 80%
  • Flexibility 95% 95%
  • Sensitivity 90% 90%
  • Warmth 60% 60%
  • Price 70% 70%


If you learn anything from these glove reviews, it’s that these are the overall best gloves for general shooting. They fit as a second skin, full finger protection, plenty of precision when grabbing, and can handle the stress of handling firearms over long periods of time. These are my “go-to” gloves if I am shooting. They also look great…..because that’s whats important 😉


These gloves are well made. Since these gloves fit so well, the fabric is on the thin side. They are perfect for shooting and handling any type of firearm. That being said, I would only use these for shooting and not much else. If you do use these gloves for something else, make sure it’s light work because they could puncture with more heavy work – like gardening. 


Since the fabric is pretty thin, the flexibility is on point. You are not hindered much when wearing these gloves. When grabbing items, it didn’t feel like the gloves were in the way enough so I wouldn’t feel like wearing these gloves were a problem. I really didn’t have to take them off for any specific reason.


When I say these gloves are almost like a “second skin”, I mean it. You are able to grab tiny things with relative ease. Loading smaller magazines with ammo can be hard with a thicker glove. These gloves make that task a lot easier. So when you are in a lower temperature environment, you can do your tasks and keep comfortable at the same time. You can also access your smartphone while wearing these which is a bonus.   


With these gloves being thinner than usual, the fabric isn’t as dense which means the warmth in these gloves can take a hit. These gloves are very tight also it might not seem like you are wearing much on your hands which might make it seem like you aren’t wearing much at all.


You will be paying a fair amount for these gloves. What you get in return is a great pair of shooting gloves. It’s well worth the investment. If you are the type to wear gloves for shooting, you need to add these to your arsenal. 



5.11 Competition Gloves

  • Durability 75% 75%
  • Flexibility 80% 80%
  • Sensitivity 80% 80%
  • Warmth 70% 70%
  • Price 85% 85%


If you are looking for a similar glove as the PIG FDT Alphas but do not want to spend as much money for them, these are the gloves for you. They are pretty similar in almost every way. They fit to you like a “second skin”, let you grab things easy, great trigger dexterity, and keep you fairly warm on colder days out in the range.


These gloves are made from a number a various materials which make them decently durable. Microfiber, synthetic suede, nylon spandex, and other materials are used in these gloves. They do their job pretty well. I have some slight stitching issues after many uses, which is to be expected due to the fact that these gloves are pretty thin.


Just like the PIGs, the flexibility is not an issue. You are not hindered much when wearing these gloves. The various different materials can move differently with each other but you hardly notice. I really didn’t have to take them off for any specific reason.


When I say these gloves are almost like a “second skin”, I mean it. You are able to grab tiny things with relative ease. The palms are made of a synthetic suede which works just fine. I can see some shooters not liking it though. The fabric allows for touching the smartphone which is great.


With these gloves being thinner than usual, the fabric isn’t as dense which means the warmth in these gloves can take a hit. These gloves are very tight also it might not seem like you are wearing much on your hands which might make it seem like you aren’t wearing much at all.


These gloves are great for the price you pay for them. They might not be as good as a pair of PIGs but, they are really close and about half the price. Get two in different colors at that price point.



FREETOO Tactical Gloves

  • Durability 95% 95%
  • Flexibility 60% 60%
  • Sensitivity 60% 60%
  • Warmth 90% 90%
  • Price 90% 90%


These gloves are the definition of “Heavy Duty”. If you are looking a decent heavy duty, high action, full coverage pair of gloves, look no further. If you are active duty, law enforcement, or even paintball or airsoft players looking for gloves that you can use in the field that will last you, these are it.

These gloves have a hard knuckle and protect you well from cuts, bruises, scratches, heat, and cold. They also have small holes for ventilation so your hands can breathe.


Being a more heavy duty glove, you can use these gloves for just about anything. I would also only recommend using these gloves for outside/really cold or hot situations. These gloves should last you a good long time even with regular usage. 


These gloves are tough which in turn means flexibility takes a bit of a hit. Even though the glove fabric is dense and very protective, the gloves are still flexible enough to get most of your jobs accomplished. The knuckles are not so flexible though so be aware of that. There isn’t a good way to loosen that section either. These gloves are available in half-finger variety also. 


These gloves are just sensitive enough to feel the trigger and reload without feeling overly bulky. Finger accuracy feels just fine when trying to pick things up. It does feel like you are wearing gloves but, not to the point where it seems like bulky winter gloves. 


With a heavy duty glove comes heavy duty weather protection. These gloves do not disappoint. In cold situations, these gloves really do shine. There should be plenty of coverage and protection in hot situations also. I wouldn’t say they are fire-proof but they can protect pretty well.


So much hand protection at so little price. These might be the cheapest gloves on the list. Get yourself a pair and try them out!



Have a go at a pair of at least one of these shooting gloves. Buy 2 pairs to get a wider range of different styles for different purposes. For instance, the PIG FDT Alphas are great for all around shooting. The FREETOO Tactical gloves are great for outdoor shooting in tactical situations. Get both the PIG FDT Alphas and the FREETOO Tactical Gloves to get gloves for ALL situations.

Mix and match to see what works for you. What is most important is Practice. Practice your shooting with a semi-automatic handgun first if you are new to shooting. This is a good gauge to see how you will like the gloves. Remember, Practice Makes Proficient.


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